Daniel Bloche

Registered since 24. Nov 2015
Points 177
Records 45
Pictures 1
This user's records
Aerosol / spray cans  OSPAR Kategorie 76
Black-headed gull  Larus ridibundus
Bladder Wrack  Fucus vesiculosus
Bottles  OSPAR Kategorie 91
Brent goose  Branta bernicla
Broom channel marker  Pricke
Common cuttlefishbone  Sepia officinalis (cuttlebone)
Common eider  Somateria mollissima
Common slipper shell  Crepidula fornicata
Common whelk eggs  Buccinum undatum (eggs)
Drink bottles  OSPAR Kategorie 4
Egyptian goose  Alopochen aegyptiaca
Engine oil containers < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 8
Eurasian curlew  Numenius arquata
Fishing line (angling)  OSPAR Kategorie 35
Gloves, professional   OSPAR Kategorie 113
Goldeneye  Bucephala clangula
Great white heron  Ardea alba
Harbour seal  Phoca vitulina
Harbour seal, dead  Phoca vitulina (t)
Herring gull  Larus argentatus
Knotted Wrack, Rockweed  Ascophyllum nodosum
Lug worm  Arenicola marina
Nets and pieces of net < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 115
Paraffin or wax pieces > 10 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 110
Paraffin or wax pieces 1 - 10 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 109
Pelican´s foot juvenile  Aporrhais pespelecani (juvenil)
Pumice rock  Bims
Sea lettuce  Ulva lactuca
Serpent's table brittlestar  Ophiura ophiura
Shelduck  Tadorna tadorna
Shoe, left foot  OSPAR Kategorien 44/57,1
Shore crab   Carcinus maenas
String and cord (diameter < 1 cm)  OSPAR Kategorie 32
Wader wings  Scolopacidae (Alae)
White-tailed eagle  Haliaeetus albicilla
Wooden drifter  OSPAR Kategorie 74,1
Work glove  Arbeitshandschuh
This profile
  • Name: Daniel Bloche
  • Points: 177
  • Registered since: 24. Nov 2015
  • Status: Beginner