Great white heron (Ardea alba)

DE: Silberreiher NL: Grote zilverreiger DK: Sølvhejre
Short description everywhere, scattered
Species part's description Great white heron, wing
Great white heron, egg
Great white heron, skull
Abundance 126 records , Distribution map
Einwanderer immigrant
Climate dependence
wärmeliebende Art
Size and age
Wird mindestens 14 Jahre alt. Ein in Ungarn an Stromleitungen verunglückter beringter Silberreiher war knapp 14 Jahre alt.
Classification Reiher
Great white heron in WoRMS database
Profile picture:

Picture informations: Great white heron

Author(s) Arturo Mann
Licence owner Arturo Mann
Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
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