Over short or long all remnants of human civilisation end in the sea and on beaches. Furthermore there is a multitude of human activities from surfriding to oil drilling which influence the sea and ist creatures.
One way - and much further: Garbage in the sea
Invisible and unhealthy: Poison in the sea
Almost suffocated from nitrogen: Eutrophication of the Northsea
Industrialisation of the seas: Offshore-industry
They plow and harvest without sowing: Fisheries
Free-riders of globalisation: Neobiota
The earth suffers from fever: Climate change
War games in coastal waters: Military activities
Sticky, black and deadly: Ölpest
Ducks don’t see the fun in it: Water sports
Not only footprints in the sand: Tourism on the beach
Further informationen about factors threatening the Waddensea can be found here (in german language):