Stefanie Mahal

Registered since 30. Jan 2019
Points 58
Records 13
Pictures 14
This user's records
Common cuttlefishbone  Sepia officinalis (cuttlebone)
Common whelk eggs  Buccinum undatum (eggs)
Edible crab claw  Cancer pagurus (Chela)
Nets and pieces of net < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 115
Nets and pieces of net > 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 116
Queen scallop   Aequipecten opercularis
Razor clam siphon  Ensis directus (Sipho)
Sea aster  Aster tripolium
Sea potato  Echinocardium cordatum
Serpent's table brittlestar  Ophiura ophiura
Shell (projectile)  Granate
Shoe, left foot  OSPAR Kategorien 44/57,1
String and cord (diameter < 1 cm)  OSPAR Kategorie 32
This profile
  • Name: Stefanie Mahal
  • Points: 58
  • Registered since: 30. Jan 2019
  • Status: Beginner