Felix T.

Registered since 1. Apr 2015
Points 54
Records 17
Pictures 14
This user's records
Birds of prey wings  Accipitridae & Strigiformes
Black-headed gull  Larus ridibundus
Bottles  OSPAR Kategorie 91
Common cuttlefishbone  Sepia officinalis (cuttlebone)
Common whelk eggs  Buccinum undatum (eggs)
Crisp/sweet packets and lolly sticks  OSPAR Kategorie 19
Herring gull  Larus argentatus
Jerry can open, empty  OSPAR Kategorie 10,1
Nets and pieces of net < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 115
Other metal pieces < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 89
Other woods > 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 75
Pallets  OSPAR Kategorie 69
Plastic pieces 0 - 2,5 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 117
Strapping bands  OSPAR Kategorie 39
This profile
  • Name: Felix T.
  • Points: 54
  • Registered since: 1. Apr 2015
  • Status: Beginner