
Sea club-rush
Bolboschoenus maritimus
Date 04.07.2023
Square SH, Elbe, Brunsbüttel
Status Published
Number 5000
Points Points: 3
Bonus points: 1
User Thorsten Kraft
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  • Picture informations: Sea club-rush

    Author(s) Thorsten Kraft (MadGuitarTosh)
    Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
    Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Profile picture
Sea club-rush

Picture informations: Sea club-rush

Author(s) Rainer Borcherding
Licence owner Schutzstation Wattenmeer
Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Thorsten Kraft :
Am oberen Wattrand vor der Steinböschung vor dem "Alten Hafen" in Brunsbüttel
Thorsten Kraft :
Die davor wachsenden räumlich klar abgrenzbaren etwa 2000 Exemplare von Binsen, höchstwahrscheinlich nach der spitzblütigen Binse "Juncus acutiflorus" konnte leider nicht in den Beachexplorer eingegeben werden
Location of sighting
Sea club-rush
Date: 04.07.2023
Square: SH, Elbe, Brunsbüttel
3 Points
1 Bonus points
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    SH, Elbe, Brunsbüttel
    All records inside this square