
Striped venus shell
Chamelaea striatula
Date 13.07.2022
Square NVK, Blåvand, Vejers Strand
Status Published
Number 1
Points Points: 4
User Lena Möller
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  • Picture informations: Striped venus shell

    Author(s) Lena Möller (Lemoel)
    Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
    Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Profile picture
Striped venus shell

Picture informations: Striped venus shell

Author(s) Rainer Borcherding
Licence owner Schutzstation Wattenmeer
Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Karina Hartmann :
Schöner Fund, aber leider keine Teppichmuschel. Der Umriss ist grob dreieckig und der Wirbel ragt deutlich wie die Spitze einer Zipfelmütze hervor. Es ist eine Gestreifte Venusmuschel.
Location of sighting
Striped venus shell
Date: 13.07.2022
Square: NVK, Blåvand, Vejers Strand
4 Points
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    NVK, Blåvand, Vejers Strand
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