
Cut trough shell
Spisula subtruncata
Date 18.02.2017
Square NKG, Ålborg Bugt, Øster Hurup / Als
Status Published
Number 1000
Points Points: 0
Bonus points: 1
User CK KC
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  • Picture informations: Cut trough shell

    Author(s) CK KC (C.K.)
    Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
    Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Profile picture
Cut trough shell

Picture informations: Cut trough shell

Author(s) Rainer Borcherding
Licence owner Schutzstation Wattenmeer
Licence statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)
Licence cc-by-sa 3.0
Massen am Strand
Nicht sicher welche Art. Sehr viele Muscheln
Rainer Borcherding :
An der Ecke scheint es immer Massenvermehrungen dieser Art zu geben, im April war es da auch so
Location of sighting
Cut trough shell
Date: 18.02.2017
Square: NKG, Ålborg Bugt, Øster Hurup / Als
0 Points
1 Bonus points
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    NKG, Ålborg Bugt, Øster Hurup / Als
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